時尚起義 2020 Fashion Revolution at Eaton Radio HK, Podcast with Arnault Castel from Kapok (episode 3)
we invited Arnault Castel from Kapok to have a chat with us about future classics, style and sustainability at Eaton Radio HK. Arnault has always been a person of taste who stands at the forefront of style and sustainability, something a normal customer wouldn’t be aware of, because he does not believing in preaching. He is definitely one of the first to bring the finest selection of sustainable designer labels like Freitag and Veja to Hong Kong. LIVE BETTER WITH LESS THAT LASTS LONGER. You have the choice of voting for a better world with your power as a customer.
時尚起義 2020 Fashion Revolution at Eaton Radio HK, Podcast with Redress (episode 2)
We have Tania Wessels, founder of All In Asia as our host, chatting with Lauren Boucher, Circular Fashion Programme Manager of Redress, and Kay Wong from Fashion Clinic. Fashion Revolution Week happens every year in April, commemorating the factory workers who died in the Rana Plaza Collapse 2013 in Bangladesh, hoping to encourage consumers and people who work in the industry to pause and rethink about the true cost of fashion.
時尚起義 2020 Fashion Revolution at Eaton Radio HK, Podcast with Chet Lam (episode 1)
時尚起義 2020 Fashion Revolution podcast, Eaton Radio 第一集:我們請來本地唱作人林一峰,跟我們分享他的音樂路上如何遇上升級再造時裝。
Fashion Revolution 於孟加拉拉納廣場事件 ‘Rana Plaza collapse’ 後成立。2013年4月24日,位於孟加拉拉納廣場的成衣廠大樓倒塌,1134人喪生,2500人受傷,是有史以來全球第四嚴重的工業傷亡事件。此後,來自世界各地的時裝界別從業者發起了Fashion Revolution,以時裝的力量革新時裝工業、改變世界。每年四月舉行的Fashion Revolution Week藉著紀念拉納廣場事件的受害者,推動行業與消費者重新思考時尚的意義和代價。
Fashion Revolution 2020 podcast @ Eaton Radio, First episode, we have local singer-songwriter Chet Lam sharing with us how his music career crossed path with sustainable fashion. click here to listen on spotify!